Monday, April 23, 2012

Chapter 11: Developing and managing products

Chapter 11: Developing and managing products

Blockbuster is managing their products to be available to customers in any way possible including mail, order, instant stream, blue ray player, HDTV, computer and mobile phone. They believe having a better delivery system than their competitors will help them sell more products. Blockbuster is trying to develop a blue box which is a vending machine that let customers rent movies at certain locations like airports or train stations. This vending machine is still not certain because of the crime going up blockbuster do not want people to try to break or damage their vending machines. Blockbuster and dish network are together so if you have dish you can have blockbuster movie pass and you pay just one bill with the blockbuster bill reduced and have both services. Blockbuster has not come out with a new product but they are working on developing strategies on marketing the products they already have.

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