Monday, March 26, 2012

Chapter:18 Sales promotion and personal selling

Chapter 18: Sales Promotion and Personal Selling

Blockbuster has sales promotion by giving rewards cards and letting customers save money on certain items or win free products. Blockbuster uses low prices to target their customers and also uses advertisements such as posters and signs to let consumers know what is on sale. Blockbuster offers promotion codes to new customers to try their service at a discounted price or for free for a limited time. Blockbuster uses sales promotion all the time even by playing commericals of new movies coming out in their stores to let customers know what they will be having. Blockbuster does not do personal selling or go door to door selling their products but they have storefronts where customers can purchase their products.  This company has many ways of getting their products to their customers not only by sales promotion and commericals but also by the internet, via mail, and in stores.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Chapter 17: Advertising and public relations

Chapter 17: Advertising and public relations

Blockbuster has been advertising globally to show how they are better than their competitors Netflix’s and red box. Blockbuster is also advertising to let customers know even though they are struggling they are still open. One advertising campaign blockbuster has is that they get movies 28 days before their competitors and how they have multi channel entertainment.  Blockbuster is using a new tagline to catch their customer’s interest which is less waiting more watching. Blockbuster has also had an in store call of duty tournament and let people join to play and gave away prices and offered low prices on their products to attract more customers. Blockbuster has aligned with several organizations through contributions program development and executive involvements to make a difference on national and local levels.  These are some of the organizations that blockbuster is aligned with American black film festival, boys& girls clubs, children's miracle network, national urban league and Pan African film festival.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Chapter:15 Retailing

Chapter 15: Retailing

 I went to Blockbuster and it was very quiet only about two customers in the store. Blockbuster claims to have a huge selection but it did not seem that way to me they had a few movies it looked as if they were ready to close down. The video game section was almost completely empty they were not selling posters but they had picture frames with video games players. In the middle of me looking at the movies and games i noticed that there were only two workers in the store and they looked like they were minding their own business by the registers in the front. I noticed that blockbuster also sells candy and drinks at over priced prices. The one thing blockbuster did have was cheap prices a lot of new movies whether it was blue ray or not it was 1.99 to rent and there were other older movies that were 99cents to rent. Blockbuster has a cheap retail rental price but the place did not look like a good franchise they did have different type of products but it still did not seem to attract customers and the workers were not very helpful. Blockbuster did not really offer me much and it probably be the last time i go into another blockbuster.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Chapter 6: consumer decision making


Chapter 6: Consumer decision making

Blockbuster has been offering their products globally and been trying to attract new customers and keep old customers by lowering prices and trying to improve their brand name. The truth is Blockbuster has not been doing so well with their strategies. The consumers for digital entertainment are finding the same prices blockbuster offers but also a more convienent way of getting their products. Their competition Netflix and red box are taking blockbuster customers because Netflix has a low price for movies but also have a better delivery than blockbuster. Netflix has better technology for their instant stream and you can order movies from technology that is coming out like phone apps, game consoles, and computers. Consumer are switching to Netflick because it is more convienent to order movies from Netflix’s with the no late fees and you get your movies in the mail or instantly watch them. Blockbuster on the other hand has the same prices as Netflick but they also mail movies out to their customers but instead of customers mailing them back they have to make a separate trip to blockbuster to bring them back. Blockbuster is also having trouble because of the red box it is like another store front but they sell movies for 1 dollar out of a machine. Netflix’s and red box is pushing blockbuster out the way little by little. The consumers rather buy from Netflix’s because of the convenience and the better technology they have and red box is put in front of supermarkets places people were going to anyway.  Consumer can now rent movies while they are doing their shopping and do not have to make extra trips. Blockbuster does get new movies 28 days before its competitor but it looks like that is not enough for blockbuster to compete with their competition because as more blockbusters are closing down the company Netflix and red box are growing.